I'm on a ship right now tapping out responses on my phone, so I can't answer your question about countries that have touched me. But regarding the "competition" among some folks as to who is the "better" traveler, OMFG, get over yourselves. As soon as you try and prove your better, you've lost the debate.

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Haha yeah man. It’s been a while since I’ve come across such douchey behavior, but I don’t find myself in the company of so many backpackers anymore, so perhaps that explains it.

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Sadly, I've found plenty of obnoxious travel attitude everywhere.

I know one older American who is a full time traveler who lamented ever having to see the world's "ugliness" because he's worked super hard for everything he has and shouldn't have to see that kind of stuff as he travels.

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Oh gross

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yikes! that's a rough take

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This was great and as I read I started thinking of the countries that stole my heart. Argentina is one - I started a long-term trip there so wasn’t sure if it was a fleeting love but after visiting for a second time I’m hooked. Some others that stick out include Bulgaria, Colombia and the UK & Ireland, also Italy (specially Venice and Piedmont). I also agree with you about Mexico. There’s so much to see and explore and it does feel magical. I’ve found whenever someone asks me what my favorite country is it ends up being a list of all the countries I’ve visited, they’re all special.

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hahah oh man, hilarious. I also HATE the dick measuring contest of country counting, or in the food/drink world it's always like which restaurants you ate at when you were abroad. It's like people think they can buy their way into having "taste."

I fall in love with basically every place I travel, but Albania lives in my mind rent free.

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I keep returning to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. I can't count how many times I've been there. It has become my "home away from home." I go there when I just need to rest, or I want to spend some time enhancing my Spanish skills. No matter where in the world I've gone, I keep returning to San Miguel. In my mind, going to San Miguel isn't "traveling", it's going to my peaceful place.

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That is awesome. The central highlands are a magical part of Mexico. I was in Guanajuato a couple of years back and was utterly charmed.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Chris Tharp

Mexico is one of mine too, enough so that the half dozen or so times I've been there don't feel anywhere near enough. Morocco is another, and Spain, where I used to live. I'm not sure I believe in past lives, but I don't know how else to describe the feeling I get while traveling there--this flickering sense of being home.

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Yes, it’s fascinating how some places just feel like home. I remember the exact moment I got off the little boat that ferried me across the Mekong from Thailand to Laos, and as soon I took a few steps and breathed in the air, I knew that this was my place.

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Jun 20Liked by Chris Tharp

I’ve been many places and can say that Japan was some of the hardest travelling I’ve done. It seems crazy even just writing it but I think it’s the juxtaposition of a country so perfect looking with the frustration of how hard some things are to do. I have trouble articulating it but I felt so out of step there with everything I did. It was both magical and arduous all at once. It’s definitely a place you need to give yourself a lot of time to explore. The sheer volume of people against such an orderly backdrop was unsetting to me. I couldn’t comprehend it compared other highly populous places with the chaos to match so you feel your chaotic nature blends in but not Japan - you are an NPC there in so many ways. That being said, I’d love ❤️ to go back.

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Yeah Japan is not very user friendly haha

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I fell in love with Ireland instantly, especially Belfast and the hike we did into giants causeway. Making plans to return in 2025. Last year my partner & I travelled through Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Great places to visit but Gothenburg & Stockholm in particular stole our hearts.

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Ireland? Well you certainly have the right name for it. I have only been once, way back in 1995 where I did a few days in Dublin and then Galway. It definitely charmed me and I've been wanting to return ever since. I have still never written about that trip though I will soon. Cheers for the comment.

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