Mar 12Liked by Chris Tharp

Wonderful piece of writing, thank you.

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I was with you until you made that dig at Boomers. As a boomer, I have to take issue with your remark. When I attended college in the early 80s, I was poor but didn’t realize it. My family was working class and I attended Temple University. Despite it being a state university, my expenses were high. I had some financial aid but worked three part time jobs and had student loans (because Republicans cut most financial aid programs that was the only alternative).

So, I can understand what you and other students went through and are currently experiencing. This has been a problem for at least forty years. Even so, I knew students who were in worse shape and dropped out of college or dropped off the face of the earth.

The health and wellbeing of college students is concerning but don’t blame Boomers. Instead blame those in politics and government who diminish the value of college and dismiss and diminish the needs of those trying to make a better future for themselves and others. Our country needs to fully fund and support education at all levels.

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